Wellness Wheel

Wellness is about making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. This means having an overall balance in our lives – beyond diet and exercise habits. There are 7 different areas of wellness. In order to cope with stress and to live a healthy life, it is important to find balance in these areas as much as possible.


Living in and supporting a clean and safe environment (e.g. spending time in nature, keeping your space organize).


Satisfaction with career or academic work, feeling safe and secure in the job or school environment (e.g. studying).


Stimulated with activities, growing knowledge and abilities, and learning new skills (e.g. reading a book, playing a video game).


Positive feelings, optimistic view on life, ability to express and process emotions (e.g. journaling, listening to music).


Physical health and activities (e.g. getting good sleep and exercise).


Connection to one’s meaning and purpose (e.g. yoga, meditation, or religious activities).

Workbook Reference

Check out the Skills for Being There workbook and try out the
Wellness Wheel activity.