Canadian Mental Health Association – Calgary Region (CMHA Calgary) builds awareness and provides education and support for individuals and families living with mental health or substance use concerns, and a loss by suicide. CMHA Calgary works closely with other community organizations to bridge gaps in mental health care system and facilitates access to important services and resources. For more information, check out CMHA Calgary.

CMHA Calgary’s YouthSMART (Youth Supporting Mental Health And Resiliency Together) integrates collaborative, youth-led mental health learning opportunities in local junior and senior high schools. YouthSMART knows that students are incredibly influential amongst their peers, within their schools, families and communities. As such, YouthSMART values youth as peer contributors, actively involved in the programming and opportunities that directly impact their wellness, and works with SMART School Leaders to transform the culture of their school surrounding mental health. For more information about CMHA Calgary’s YouthSMART, check out YouthSMART.ca

EQUIPPED offers mental health training and tools for young adults. It builds on the basic concepts taught in YouthSMART, but expands knowledge for a slightly older audience of emerging adults ages 16 to 24. The program is an online, self-directed mental health education platform that offers a variety of courses. The EQUIPPED name indicates that these educational courses will help to equip a young person with foundational mental health concepts and the skills necessary to practice self-care.